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A member registered Aug 02, 2022

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I have relized I am actually many updates behind. This is really old content, I was wondering why other comments were talking about characters i never met. I would delete but my point still kind stands, for ref i was talking about build 19 lol
I must of stopped cliffs route early when thought i hit the end, only returning when this update dropped

my bad lol

(1 edit)


I did not expect the song, holy crap that was amazing!
Is there anyway to listen to it on some platform?

Also what this song means to the history of around echo is interesting, most joke about how a decent portion of the population ends up being gay but it really could just be more common in this world, despite it prejudices it seems somewhat easier accepted in smaller communities and settings. Its funny to me how I think about how a gay community might exist in the echo world about the same amount i think on how the people being furries effect relations and relationships. I think Echo handled that very well over the course of its run, especially the subtlety of "species features". TSR seems to follow suite, though presented through the western setting and context around similar issues.